The Gift of Forgiveness
Healing the wounds of the heart
Olivier Clerc
Click on the image to download the introduction
In 1999, best-selling author Olivier Clerc - who translated and published Don Miguel Ruiz' books in French, including The Four Agreements - went to Teotihuacan, Mexico, to follow a two weeks workshop with him.
Don Miguel had him go through a life-changing ritual, which Olivier later named: The Gift of Forgiveness. Knowing he had authored many books translated in a dozen languages, Don Miguel advised him to turn his experience into a new book.
In this short but intense title, translated in 9 languages, Olivier shares this unique spiritual tool which can bring much relief, forgiveness and love into your life.
Since its release, Olivier and the workshop leaders he has trained have shared this ritual with thousands of people, in a dozen countries. The association he has founded also trains people to create autonomous Circles of Forgiveness in their country, state or city. There exists already over 250 of them worldwide.
The Gift of Forgiveness is also a transpersonal tool, when experienced in a group (during workshops or Circles of Forgiveness), which allows you to express and receive forgiveness even from people who are not physically present. It allows you to let love flow freely through your whole being. It doesn't require any prior knowledge or ability. It can be practised by anyone.
Just read it and give it a try!

About the author

Born in Switzerland in 1961, OLIVIER CLERC lives in France with his wife and three sons. He works as an international writer, lecturer and workshop-leader, specializing in self-help and spirituality.
Olivier has crossed paths with many famous authors and teachers, whose books he has translated into French, and with whom he trained. Among them are Marshall Rosenberg, founder of Nonviolent Communication; Toltec master and author Don Miguel Ruiz; Robert Monroe, founder of The Monroe Institute; Dr Stanislav Grof, Dr Deepak Chopra, Marianne Willamson, Dr Bernie Siegel, and many more.
Olivier began his writing career at the age of 21 (his first book was on lucid dreaming). He is the author of 25 books, with translations in fifteen languages, including Modern Medicine: The New World Religion, (Personhood Press 2004), Are we already half-cooked? Seven Life-Enhancing Metaphors, (Dreamriver Press 2009) and The Five Agreements Game: a chivalry of relationships, (Findhorn Press 2014).
Olivier Clerc is also the creator of Circles of Forgiveness which are spreading in many countries: there already exists over 250 of them, today, in about 15 different countries.
In 2019, with the Association Pardon International he created in 2015, and a few other institutional partners, Olivier Clerc created and launched the first International Forgiveness Day: over 140 events were organised in about 20 countries this first year. For more information in English, click here.
You may also visit his main Web site (in French), www.olivierclerc.com
And : www.cerclesdepardon.fr
Olivier's second book about forgiveness
Five years after The Gift of Forgiveness, Olivier published this new book to redefine was forgiveness truly his and what are the main misunderstandings about it. With a foreword by Dr Lewis Mehl-Madrona.
Can Everything Be Forgiven? Forgiveness allows our hearts to heal and love to be revived. Forgiving the small and average sufferings experienced throughout life is one thing. But what about bigger transgressions, like infidelity, abuse, or even large-scale offenses such as genocide?
Olivier Clerc identifies 15 obstacles to forgiveness--prejudices, confusions, misunderstandings--and discusses from where these perceptions originate and how they might keep us from taking the path to healing. Drawing from his years of forgiveness work as well as from the Forgiveness Project, he details 4 practical methods for forgiveness, each with a unique approach: the Hawaiian practice of Ho‘oponopono, Colin Tipping’s Radical Forgiveness, Fred Luskin’s Nine Steps to Forgiveness, and the author’s own Gift of Forgiveness, inspired by his work with don Miguel Ruiz. Inspiring testimonies and examples from both victims and perpetrators who have rebuilt their lives after trauma show that even when faced with the unspeakable we can heal.
Choosing to engage in a conscious process of forgiving helps stop a spiral of destruction, cleanses the heart, and leads to relief, freedom, and inner peace.